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480 Gold Coast high school students to be educated about the incredible dangers of the drug Ice

21 August 2018

GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA: A community event run by Christian Biker Ministry, Chariots of Light in support of Ice awareness raised $4,800 which will directly fund an education programme for 480 Gold Coast high school students about the incredible dangers of the methamphetamine drug, Ice.

“Earlier this year, I was presented with alarming figures showing Ice use in Australia, particularly among Gold Coast youths, growing at an alarming rate,” comments Pastor Tony Walter-Girout, Chariots of Light President. “I decided to team up with the Australian Anti Ice Campaign (AAIC) to raise awareness about the incredible dangers of Ice and help roll out their education programmes in Gold Coast high schools which equips students with all the information needed to make the right decision if ever faced with the drug.”

AAIC is an unfunded, not-for-profit charity set up by Andre’a Simmons, a successful business woman and mother of two who has successfully recovered from an Ice addiction. Knowing firsthand just how fast the drug can lead to a downward spiral of Ice hell, Andre’a now works with other people who have recovered from Ice addiction to deliver education workshops in high schools, sharing real-life experiences to actively deter students from experimenting with the drug. AAIC workshops are receiving a phenomenal response from high schools across Australia and new requests continue to come in.

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Thousands of Australians turning up to work on methamphetamines


Thousands of Australians are turning up to work under the influence of methamphetamines, according to a new report from South Australia's peak business lobby.

SafeWork Laboratories forensic toxicologist Andrew Leibie — who worked on the report — said almost a quarter of a million Australians were high on ice at work "on any given day".

Mr Leibie said the number of workers testing positive nationally increased from 1.5 per cent in 2016 to 1.9 per cent in 2017, equating to some 240,000 workers and 18,500 in South Australia.

The report also found about 5,000 people in South Australia working in safety sensitive industries — 2.2 per cent of workers — were "either under the influence of ice or suffering its hangover effects".

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The Star: Ice education breaks through


THE Australian Anti Ice Campaign (AAIC) presented its first Victorian workshop at the Chairo Christian School last Thursday, to students in years 7 to 10.

The workshop was funded by the Leongatha and District Community Foundation and chair Rob Bacon said it was important topic for young people.

“We were hoping all the secondary schools in the town would run the program,” he said.

So far, Chairo was the only school to take on the program, however Mr Bacon said another was keen to hold a workshop in term three.

The workshop was delivered by people who have successfully rehabilitated from an ice addiction.

The presenters graphically conveyed the harsh reality of ice addiction and were uniquely positioned to break through peer influence with total honesty from personal experience.

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Michael Alders and Andrea Simmons speak with ABC Radio Adelaide

Michael Alders and Andrea Simmons speak with Peter Goers on ABC Radio Adelaide about their battle with Ice and the services of the Australian Anti Ice Campaign.

Audio provided by ABC Radio Adelaide -

Andre’a Simmons interview with Kent Bailey from 4CRB

Andre’a Simmons the director of The Australian Anti Ice Campaign interview with Kent Bailey from 4CRB on the Ice Epidemic in our nation and what AAIC are doing to help.

Audio provided by 4CRB Radio -

ICE possession on the Coast has skyrocketed by 250 per cent

A Gold Coast mother is using her ordeal with ice addiction .. to stop young people getting hooked on the drug. It comes as new figures reveal arrests for ICE possession on the Coast have skyrocketed by 250 per cent.

Reformed addict dedicated to helping end Australia’s ice epidemic

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Andrea Simmons got her life back after a two-year drug addiction. Picture: Andrea Simmons

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Try It - It Will Help You Relax



SunRise - In the grip of ice


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